While in Panama, we experienced both city life and island life. We marveled at one of the modern wonders of the world, danced the night away with a salsa pro, and watched the sun rise on our own private island! Fitness was integrated into our trip via yoga and group runs. We went kayaking, hiking, paddle boarding and more. Once again we were blessed with an amazing group of travelers that made our experience that much more memorable. Overall, it was a wonderful week full of fitness, food, fun, culture and adventure!



#StrengthAndCulture Bali was an unbelievable experience! We curated a week full of fitness, yoga, culture, faith, art, entertainment, self-care and food! We couldn’t have asked for a more amazing group of people to join us on our inaugural trip! There was zip linings, waterfalls, rice fields and monkey farms. We had workouts, massages and yoga to make sure we took care of our minds and bodies. Our days were full of culture, making sure we experienced the true Balinese ‘way of life’. From a cleansing at a Bali Temple, to seeing some of the most beautifully detailed and hand crafted wood work, to experiencing some of the most authentic and delicious cuisine. There were game nights, tons of laughter and so much more. We connected with old friends and made new ones along the way! This was truly a trip of a lifetime!